The grim tale of Faethom begins in the town of Cochabamba, Bolivia. A colonial
town that lies deep in heart of South America. On one cold and dreary day, like those
perfect for a funeral, David Diacrono, a Metal Warrior with a heart of
fire and ice,
ventured far out into the forest to seek solace and darkness from the chaos of his life
and to shred his guitar to the ancient trees. There he chanced upon a terrifying
looking mansion with walls decayed and blackened by time and windows that
seemed to weep. He heard a distant sound, melodiously tragic and mournful, yet
beautifully tantalizing to his ears. Hypnotized, he crept to the back of the house where
the sounds seemed to come from, despite him sensing that all around the place the
dreadful presence of evil prevailed.

There, as he peeked into one solemn and cracked window, he spotted a
wretched girl dressed in an old, ragged dress, with long hair that fell to the
floor in a tangled mess of cobwebs. She was playing a badly tuned organ
and singing out with such demented misery that at first he feared she was
mad in the head. But, as was his way of being drawn to all things dark, he
knocked on the window to attract her attention. The girl looked up and with
only a mild start, ran to him as if she’d known him her whole life. She told
him her name was Mariela Muerte and that she was held captive by a cruel
and insane woman, more a monster than a human, who liked fresh blood.
She’d raised her for this purpose, to feed on her everyday, so as to keep her
true age of 666 at bay and her false beauty intact. Weakened by this torture,
Mariela was never able to escape but she had her music to comfort her. As
David watched her weep tears blood-red, he realized her dark soul was a
perfect match for his (of course, she may have also put a spell on the poor
unsuspecting David for our supposed damsel in
distress is not so much a damsel as she is a scheming witch) and decided
there and then that music could provide an escape for both of them.
so it began...
Having been in many bands before , David  had
years of experience as a talented lead guitarist.
Mariela had an innate talent for singing and
composing beautiful melodies on the keyboard
not to mention a masterful knack for casting
spells and curses here and there. They formed a
band called Caustica and became popular in a
matter of weeks winning several competitions
and playing in other neighboring cities. Mariela
would creep out each night and, though
considerably blood-drained, was fueled by Metal
and was able to perform with the aggression of a
true Metal Warrior. David poured out all the
aggressiveness within his soul in his powerful
riffing. On every escapade, David would make
sure to watch out for “the hag” so they would not
be caught. But soon the bloodsucker caught
wind of what was happening and threatened to
lock Mariela up in the dungeons below away
from her music and from David. To escape
forever was their only way out and they fled to
another hellish land where the burning sun is
always beaming and Metal Warriors roam by the
thousands: FLORIDA.

They started anew as FAETHOM and have been creating songs for other
dark souls like them to hear and enjoy. On their journey they have added
two amazing talents for the live Faethom experience. The first: a tall,
rugged Argentinean madman named Federico Vidal whom they found in
the Everglades hunting for fire-spitting demon wenches in the putrid
swamps to add to his already impressive collection, a master on the bass
(just ask those hot, little devils he keeps locked in his dungeon). Next, on
drums they found Thomas Wittig, a seemingly laid-back individual with a
dark and secretive past (yes, they’ve spotted him sharpening those
menacing machetes with a killer gleam in his big, blue eyes) who sheds
his calm exterior every time he pounds on those drums to reveal the true
savage within. And as for “The hag,” well, she was left behind to rot in her
mansion of death with a belly barren of the precious blood she so
desperately needs to stay young and hopefully she will never know of the
whereabouts of the FAETHOM clan.

Yet, one never knows

The story of Faethom begins in Cochabamba - Bolivia, deep in the heart of South America. Co-founders David Diacrono and
Mariela Muerte joined their dark talents to mix that which they most love: S
tory Telling and Heavy Metal. Terror tales written by
Mariela eventually became songs. Mariela and David relocated to Fort Lauderdale, Florida where they shaped up the sound of
would later become Faethom in the next few years.

Mariela and David recorded a 2 song Demo in 2008 and enlisted the talents of Argentinean bassist Federico Vidal and Californian
drummer Thomas Wittig for the live experience. This lineup played the first live show on November 14th of 2009 at which they
released a 5 song EP titled “Lullaby for Heathen Spawn”. Thomas parted ways with Faethom in 2010 and the band reunited with
Colombian drummer Hermes Reyes, who had started practicing with the band prior to Thomas and also added Chilean guitarist
Fabian Lopez on rhythm.

Faethom released their first full length concept album titled “In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Unholy”, played numerous
shows across Florida, as well as the first show outside of the state in Alabama.  By the end of 2012 and beginning of 2013 the
band parted ways with Fabian and bassist Federico.

In October of 2013, the remaining members released "Mark of the Devil", an EP containing 3 new songs which would later become
part of the second concept album. Mariela recorded Vocals and Keys, David recorded Guitars and Bass, and Hermes recorded
Drums.  The same year bassist Matt Winters and guitarist Leona Hayward were added to the lineup and the band started playing
shows as a five piece once again.   

In 2014 Leona Hayward switched to bass after Matt Winters' departure and this lineup played numerous shows including the first
show outside of mainland U.S. in Guaynavo Puerto Rico. This 4 piece lineup went on to record the next  full length concept album
named "Fury of the Scorned Witch" with Mariela Muerte on Vocals, Keyboards, wind instruments, and percussion, David Diacrono
on Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Charango, wind instruments and percussion, Hermes on Drums, and Leona on Bass. Saddly,
Leona ended up moving to Seattle, WA by the end of 2015 during the mixing stage of the album, which would not allow him to
continue in the band. Bassist Marcel Salas joined the band to fill the gap and became a permanent member of the band in early
2016. Fury of the Scorned Witch was released on July 1st of 2016 and Faethom embarked on their first U.S. tour in support of  the
album with SOLSTICE (U.S.A) as tour headliners the same month with Brian Wilson (Hellwitch, Yngwie Malmsteen) on drums.

In 2018 Mariela and David focused their creative efforts on writing all the new material for Faethom's third concept album. The
same year saw the departure of long time drummer Hermes as well as bassist Marcel, and in early of 2019 the band
Ibrahim Hernandez on bass (Synepticide, Made of Metal) originally from Venezuela, and on drums, Roy A. Jurado Caceres
(Sapraemia, Ancestor, Made of Metal) originally from Peru
The band began working on bass & drum arrangements gearing up
towards going into the studio
to record the third full length album later in 2019.

Through the years Faethom played shows along the likes of Morbid Angel, Raven, Venom Inc, Taake, 1349, 3 Inches of Blood,
Goatwhore, Arkona, Agalloch, Taake, Anvil, Terrorizer, Nocturnus AD, Toxic Holocaust, Deceased and will be joining Vicious
Rumors on three dates of their 40th Anniversary tour in June of 2019 which also marks the 10th Anniversary
of Faethom.